Search Terms and Keywords

This page brings together content that I have used to teach about keywords. The standard disclaimer applies.


  1. Finding and Selecting Keywords, University of West Florida
    This video is made by Joshua Vossler, and is of high quality. There is specific information at the end for UWF. I generally stop playing the video before the institution-specific information plays.


  1. Auburn University Selecting Keywords to Search
    This self-paced module was also awarded a Primo award for library instruction. I prefer it to the Keyword Generator below.
  2. UT Libraries Keyword Generator
    This site was originally developed at UTAustin where it was awarded a Primo award for library instruction. I find it incredibly useful.


  1. ProCon list - A handout with various Pro/Con keywords that might be useful to focus a search.

  2. Concept Map - A concept mapping tool to help expand searching

  3. Keywords 2 Up - A handout that mimics the Video #1 listed above.


  1. Have students work in groups together to come up with as many different keywords for a given topic.